FACCE SURPLUS looks back at successful transnational cooperation
One of the first ERA-NETs that started under the H2020 Cofund scheme is FACCE SURPLUS. It is a partnership of 23 countries and regions, in collaboration with the European Commission. Established in the frame of the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI), its objective was to strengthen the European Research Area in support of different integrated food and non-food biomass production and transformation systems. This was done especially by organising, implementing and co-funding with the EU a joint call for transnational research projects on the topic of sustainable and resilient agriculture. After the first one, two more followed, mobilising around EUR 25 million. In addition, much effort was put on communicating and disseminating the outcomes to the relevant stakeholders. The outcomes of the research projects, as well as the networking activities, have contributed to increasing the knowledge base on non-food systems, has led to a demonstration project under the Biobased Industries Joint Undertaking BBI-JU and has supported policy making. The Netherlands has been involved in the network as funding partner and Dutch researchers have been part of several research projects under the different calls. In our latest Spotlight article, we look back with the Dutch Ministry representative on five years of cooperation.
More information on FACCE SURPLUS is available on their website.