Joint SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT AGRI 2 virtual Project Seminar
The virtual seminar is organised on the 17th and 18th of November. It will bring together researchers, policymakers, funders and involved stakeholders and offer the opportunity to discuss the projects’ main fields of work: improvement of productivity, resilience and competitiveness of European animal production, improved resource use management to reduce waste and enhance the environmental sustainability of animal production and improvement of on-farm practices to enhance consumer acceptability and address societal challenges associated with animal welfare, product quality and safety, biodiversity and provision of ecosystem services.
The 14 transnational projects of the co-funded call of the ERA-NET on Sustainable Animal Production Systems (SusAn) started their work in 2017 to achieve new insights for the field of sustainable animal production taking into account a system and interdisciplinary approach. Two years after this main activity of SusAN, the network organized a joint call together with the ERA-NET for monitoring & mitigation of Greenhouse gases from agri- and silvi-culture (FACCE ERA-GAS) and the ERA-NET on ICT and robotics for sustainable agriculture (ICT AGRI 2). The 8 projects from this call started in the last year.
Visit the websites of SusAn, FACCE ERA-GAS and ICT AGRI 2 for more information about the seminar and the projects.